On the 21st March 2016 a conference was held on digital banking, trade and commerce at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. The conference was organized by Adria Media Group and Newsweek Magazine. The Nordic Business Alliance was one of the partners and participants in the event. Besides the representatives of ICT and banking sector, this conference was focused on the end-users of modern services, and has been useful to a wider audience. In online banking Serbia is closest to Argentina, Turkey, and Romania in terms of online banking footprint and service, and the Nordic countries are among the top 10 in the world. Nordic Business Alliance has proposed that Serbia should take advantage of the experience of the Nordic countries to develop the sector faster in Serbia. As early as 1984 Finland enabled online payments via PC DSL modem, which is the first instance of internet banking. At the beginning of the millennium, in 2001, Finland and Sweden had more than 30% of financial services consumers who have been using online services. The development of internet banking has been led by consumers themselves, because the research has shown they wanted more control. Despite it being a user driven experience, the status today in the Nordic countries is that 71% of millennials feel that the online experience is not optimal and ideally, 54% of them would like to be advised in the selection of providers, 74% would gladly have entered the financial business sector with companies that are primarily in the financial services – new challengers. Following global trends, 25% of banks in the world have an application store, while 75% of banks have launched their own API platform. Participants could become more familiar with the subject on the panels that were organized during the day: PANEL 1: Digital Banking and contemporary trends PANEL 2: Online within business PANEL 3: Do we have e-commerce in Serbia? PANEL 4: How to make offline consumption online? PANEL 5: Safety on the Internet PANEL 6: Millennials and the digital era
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