On Thursday, 6th April at Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade, at 14:00, representatives of member companies of the Nordic Business Alliance (NBA) have met with representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham) and the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (CCIFS) on a series of "quick business meetings" (Business Speed Meeting). During the event members of business associations had the opportunity to expand their contact network and establish a good base for future cooperation through this innovative format of informal meeting. Business Speed Meeting consists of a series of short ten-minute business meetings, which aim to contribute to business development and the establishment of contacts between the participants, present companies’ activities and establish business cooperation with some of the most successful national and international companies. Over 40 participants, members of the three Chambers, had the opportunity to speak "one on one" and consider potential ways of cooperation. Director of the Nordic Business Alliance Mr Andreja Pavlovic opened this year's first Business Speed Meeting. Mr Pavlovic emphasized the importance of cooperation between chambers of commerce in order to strengthen the cooperation and the ties between small and medium enterprises as well as large corporations. "Business Speed Meeting concept proved to be very productive in the past iterations which focused us on organizing these types of activities more frequently. We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide access to a broad and diverse portfolio of the AmCham member companies and the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce member companies to our members. We are happy to have been witnessed the signing of various forms of cooperation between the participants on previous "Business Speed Meeting". The fact that the members merged with both – targeted partners and those who were out of sight until the beginning of the event is an especially attractive fact to us. Random effect of this type of activity provides an opportunity for improving business affairs of our members in ways that sometimes are not foreseen in the company development plans, and it is, in our opinion, the true quality added value we want to provide.", said the executive director of the Nordic Business Alliance, Andreja Pavlovic.