The World Bank has partnered with the European Commission to launch the Project for supporting the Government of Serbia (GoS) in improving select aspects of its business environment (BE) and in building mechanisms for better stakeholder coordination and action in support of business reform environment.
Nordic Business Alliance took part in the Second Thematic Forum: e-Government for Business – Experiences and Opportunities. The objective of the Forum was to discuss and identify reform initiatives that would increase the accessibility of e- government to businesses and make it more operational in practice.
The participants of the Forum were relevant representatives of the private sector from the IT/digital sector as well as representatives of the business associations and public sector relevant for development of electronic public services.
Iva Petrovic, Executive Director of Nordic Business Alliance, in her presentation “Being Digital – New Mindset for E-government” drew our attention to the importance of e- services during the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as to the necessity of a 5G Network as an enabler of digital transformation and full digital inclusion that creates conditions for increasing productivity in unexpected ways and helps preserve people’s way of life away from urban cities. As a condition for the digital transformation of the society, she emphasized digital literacy of citizens. She also emphasized that the 5G network is a precondition for implementation of Industry 4.0. She drew attention to the positive experiences with the digital services of the Tax Administration and the Business Registration Agency, and the importance of establishing the Digital Health Administration and within it, the reformed Unified Electronic Patient Health Records. As a very important condition for improving the business environment in Serbia, she mentioned the need to establish the Digital Judicial Administration – E-Court system for all commercial courts to increase efficiency and transparency of the proceedings.
In case you are interested to read the full summary of conclusion and recommendations from the Forum, please email Iva Petrovic at